As in any social group, there are leaders that rise to the top. This is no different for my lung cancer community. Our leaders are amazing advocates for us. They are smart, articulate, well-read, well-written, organized, organizers, and have networked with clinicians, researchers, educational organizations, and fund raising organizations. Tori, Janet, Lisa, Craig, Lysa, and Stuart are a few ROS1-ers that contribute a bunch.
I am grateful for my LC community. It is through this group I have been educated, enlightened, and supported. Most members let us know when there are changes in their health statuses and share the information they gather from their doctors. I've learned so much from those who are walking my journey...a few paces ahead of me.
This week, an LC community leader and my friend, Tori, learned that she has three small tumors in her brain. She bravely blogged about this:
Tori was diagnosed after me and, like me, has been doing wonderfully on Xalkori. Her brain mets were found on a routine MRI and thankfully, she is asymptomatic. Although there is a good option for treating the brain mets, and for overall treatment as she moves forward, her news hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt as if I was slugged in the chest. She is young and has three young children. She is needed by her family, let alone by our LC community. I will be sending Tori all the good karma I can spare. Maybe you, too, can send some extra her way?